Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Life Theory

I have this theory that we all have the life we want.

Whether you are currently a success or a bum, whether you are living the dream or perpetually deluded, whether you are counting bucks or consistently on your back, we all have the life that we want.

Every day we live is a chance. It is an opportunity for you to choose and make out what you want your life to be.  Fact is, if you really wanted something, you would have figured out how to get there and you’d simply do what must be done. So you see, it’s not really about knowing what you want per se. It’s more about what you want to do more at the moment. Let’s say you want to make money, whatever the circumstance you might be in right now, if you really wanted to get some, you’d figure out how.

To make things easier for you, let’s put it in another perspective. There are a lot of douchebags and scumbags out there making money as you sit there reading this. So, why can’t you? Maybe because you don’t want it enough. Or rather, there are other things that you want more at the moment. You are not focused enough with your goal. Maybe, just maybe, instead of going out there and taking action, that pull from your bed or your tv or your computer is stronger so much so that you forego all thoughts of your original objective. In essence, you chose at that moment – you decided that watching tv is more important than going out and putting forth your money-making plans into fruition. Make sense?

At this point, you might be asking, “What about the things that you have no control of?” Like say, you want to be pretty. Or you want to have a different family.

Well…these things are just that – something that you have no control of.  As such, there is no use about worrying about them at all. Ultimately, you can’t do anything about it. You might as well be worrying about impossible things like why people don’t have wings or why you can’t control time.

Besides, when you say you want to be pretty or you want to have a different family, maybe what you really want is to be loved and to be accepted for who you are not.

So, what do you do then? If I may give you a piece of advice, change your life, reevaluate your priorities and do things accordingly. Remember, your life is a reflection of you. The people you surround yourself with tell a lot about you. I am, in no way whatsoever, saying that this is all easy. Far from it, in fact.

This brings to the final question, if we all have the life we want, why aren't we happy?

Simple. Maybe because we all want the wrong things. After all, having the life we want does not necessarily equate to being happy when we get it.

So let me ask you this. What do you want? To make money? Or to be happy? Choose wisely.

Anyway, I just remembered something, what’s that new series on tv again?  

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